Talk Events at BASE Q
September 17th
18:00-18:45 (JST) Tranquility Base: The Project and SpaceBok, a Four-Legged Robot for Planetary Exploration
- Mr. Alexandre de Montleau, Space@yourService, EPFL- Dr. Hendrik Kolvenbach, Robotic System Laboratory (RSL), ETH Zurich
19:00-20:00 (JST) The Space Debris Problem: Monitoring and solving it
- Prof. Thomas Schildknecht, Vice-Director Astronomical Institute, University of Bern- Prof. Shinichi Kimura, Dept. Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science
- Dr. Luc Piguet, Co-founder and CEO, ClearSpace SA
- Mr. Chris Blackerby, COO, Astroscale
- Ms. Marie-Valentine Florin, Executive Director, International Risk Governance Center, EPFL
September 18th
15:00-16:00 (JST) Careers in space: Focus in Astrophysics and Space Exploration
- Prof. Jean-Paul Kneib, Director EPFL Space Center- Prof. Genya Ishigami, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
- Mr. Naoyuki Oota, Dept. of Physics, Graduate School of Science Tokyo University of Science
- Mr. Taiki Kanda, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science
- Ms. Chloé Carrière, Space@yourService, EPFL
17:00-17:30 (JST) Tranquillity Base: The Project and the Modular Origami Robot MORI
- Mr. Alexandre de Montleau, Space@yourService, EPFL- Mr. Kevin Holdcroft, Reconfigurable Robotic Laboratory (RRL), EPFL
Watch Our Talk Events Held at Base Q Online
Talk Event of September 17th
Talk Event of September 18th
Tokyo Midtown Hibiya
1 Chome-1-2 Yurakucho
Chiyoda City
Tokyo 100-0006